Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year! Resolve to Love Your Children Even More in the New Year!

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      Happy New Year parents!  Please resolve to love your children even more this year!  Teach them about love by showing them the deepest love that you can feel from the bottom of your heart!  Love on your children and show them how precious they are.  Teach them about God and His infinite love and wisdom.  Ask God to bless you and your children and ask Him to spread a blanket of protection over you and your family!  God is willing and He is able as long as we do what He told us to our children!  We can do this I have total faith in all of us!
All comments are welcomed!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

"Pray for Your Children!"

    Pray for your children!  Ask God to protect them from any harm and ask Him to wrap His loving arms around them each and every day!  Ask God to give them strength as they go through their day !  Ask God to go before them and to make their path straight.  God is a mighty good God and He loves us and our children! He even  knows every hair on our heads!  Pray for your children!  Where there is lots of prayer there will be lots of power! Empower your children!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

"Tell Your Children that You Love Them Every Day!"

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     Tell your children that you love them each every day of your life!  Your children are the wonderful, awesome gifts from God and they deserve your love and affection.  They also need to hear those three magical words from their parents!  Children are always looking for signs that their parents love them.  When they find that love in their home they do not have to look for love in all the wrong places!
     Give your children breaks, cut them some slack!  Give them what they want, need and crave... your love and your acknowledgement of that love!  But remember words are not enough , you also have to show your children you love them!  Actions really do speak louder than words! If you have any reason why it is difficult to tell your child you love him or her e-mail me!  We can find a way to make those three magical words take on a life of their own!!! Let's make it happen!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Happy Holidays!" All Comments Are Welcomed!"

Parents Teach Your Children about Jesus, "The Reason for the Season!"

      Parents during the Christmas season it is so very important to teach your children about Jesus, "The Reason for the Season."  We are so very blessed that God in His infinite wisdom gave us Jesus, his only begotten Son.  We are now the recipients of Salvation because Jesus died on the cross  so that we all would be saved and have eternal life, "the greatest gift" of all!  We all want to live eternally with God and we want our children to have eternal life!  Therefore, we must build an awesome foundation in our children and we must teach them about God and Jesus! 
     In the midst of the gift giving and celebrations, take the time to teach your children about the true reason for the season and give your children the most important gift of all!
Have the best, blessed, wonderful, awesome, Merry, Enlightened Christmas ever!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Children Are Gifts from Heaven!"

     Children are gifts from God.  We are all blessed to be parents and it is truly an honor and a privilege to be a parent!  Our children are the best of us.  It is so  amazing how we, parents,  can love someone so small, our children, so very much.  God knew in his infinite wisdom how much I needed my children.  I love them from the tops of their heads to the bottom of their feet.  I love for them to call my name so that I can assist them in any way, any place, any time, and anywhere.
     Realize that your children are your gifts and start treating them like they are precious gifts.... because they are!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"Thank God for Children!"

During the Thanksgiving holiday season and every day of our lives, we must thank our heavenly Father for our children. Children are gifts from heaven and they truly make our lives better. The world is even more beautiful when viewed from the eyes of a child, our child.  Children are the best of their parents and they remind us of the true meaning of life.  They teach us how to love unconditionally and they bring  us lots of challenges and joy!  They depend on us for guidance and it is our responsibility to guide them to God.  Thank God for all gifts especially the gift of parenthhood! 
Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Teach Your Children About God!"

It is of the utmost importance to teach your children about God! Your children deserve to know about our Father in heaven. They need to know that God loves them so very much. They need to know that God created them because He loves them. Life is a gift from our Father and we owe Him so very much. Children must trust and believe in someone who will never let them down! God will truly be with them forever and ever!
Share the knowlege of God with your children! Teach them by example, go to church, read your Bible, and practice what you preach...God has given us everything that we possess!
Teach your children about God. Let them know that He loves them. He will never leave them or forsake them. God will be with them forever and ever!

Friday, November 20, 2009

"Give The Greatest Gift!"

     This blog is written to encourage parents to build a love of God and Jesus in their children so that their children can have better lives and never be alone.  The love of God is a wonderful gift and we, as parents, owe it to our children to teach them about our awesome God and His wonderful Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior.
    God is truly alpha and omega.  He created us and all that surrounds us. He is always with us and He will never leave or forsake us.  In our darkest hours He carries us and He never loses faith in us because he loves us. But for His grace and mercy where would we be?
   I know the love of my father in heaven because I was taught by strong Christian parents and I have seen His presence in my life, their lives,my husband's life and in our children's lives. Knowing that God exists has improved our lives and our children's lives.  Give your children this extraordinary gift so that they can receive the "greatest gift," eternal life!